Remedy Wellness

Holistic Wellness Center

Did you know?

Homeopathy is a federally recognized form of medicine backed by thousands of research studies, papers and clinical trials.

Why Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a form of whole body healing that was founded over 200 years ago. 
Homeopathy is a gentle and natural healing system that works with the body to relieve symptoms, restore vitality and improve overall health.  Homeopathy can help strengthen the body to fight short-term illnesses like colds, flus, earaches, headaches, and much more; also for chronic conditions like asthma, depression, Parkinson's, and high blood pressure.

Homeopathy works by giving the body a remedy that invokes similar symptoms in a healthy person (like cures like).  Remedies are environmentally friendly, cruelty free, and derived from natural resources.  The cost is extremely low and most remedies are found over-the-counter at your local health and wellness stores, as well as online.  

Remedies are small dissolved pellets that are placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve.  For the younger population, remedies may also be dissolved in water and dispensed as a liquid remedy.  Remedies are safe, effective and gentle.  When taken correctly, there are no side effects!

As a healthcare practitioner, it is my responsibility to encourage and educate my clients to take care of their health.  I will work with you to help you find relief from symptoms and restore your whole health.

Are you ready to embark on a new journey?

Office Location

To keep overhead expenses low, I have an office in my home. I also offer virtual consultations, as well as home visits for nearly all services.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: By appointment 

On-call availability

After Hours

I am available for scheduled services during my hours of operation, but I also know that no one gets sick during only specific hours of the day.  To book an after hours appointment, call me at
1-608-412-5372 or email: