Practitioner Kaitlyn Junk

Kaitlyn Junk

Certified Classical Homeopath, MBA, RRT-NPS

My name is Kaitlyn Junk, and I am the owner and homeopath of Remedy Wellness.  

While working as a respiratory therapist in the hospital, I began to question the number of medications and chronic illnesses I was seeing in my patients.  Every patient seemed to be prescribed multiple medications and most couldn't remember why they were taking them.  What I frequently heard was, 'I'm taking this one because of the side effects from that one'.  It was heart breaking to think we are prescribing medications for the side effects of others.  Why aren't our medications safe?!

Shortly after this, a close family member was diagnosed with a debilitating neurological disease.  I researched the prescription they were placed on and little to my surprise, the list of side effects continued for multiple pages.  On nearly a maxed-out dose, symptoms were breaking through and I knew I needed to find something to help.  Talking with a friend, I stumbled upon homeopathy; I found support groups on Facebook and all over the internet and quickly found a remedy (homeopathic medicine) that is extremely helpful in the disease the family member was suffering from.  I ordered the remedy and within a couple days, symptoms were non-existent!  I was sold on homeopathy for them, for myself and my family!

Homeopathy has been around since the 18th century and is the leading healthcare option in many countries around the world today!  It is used by over 6 million residents in the United States and over 200 million people use it across the globe!  Homeopathic remedies are not a one size fits all like western medicine; it is unique and dependent upon the whole picture of the person.  Instead of treating one symptom, remedies treat the WHOLE person!  

I have completed training for acute and chronic ailments, as well as specialized training for Pregnancy, Labor and Post-Partum in 2022; as well as training in Emotion Code Therapy in 2023.  

I am continuing my training at Lotus Health Institute for my Certification in Clinical Homeopathy and Planetary Bioenergetics.